The Therapon Institute requires each person certified by TI to agree fully with the following Therapon Counselor Ethical Standards. They are both spiritual and civil in moral and professional values. The Institute feels that our standards as spiritual counselors carries a much higher accountability factor than any other group. We do feel that a credentialing body or entity should hold colleagues accountable for their actions. The TI statement of Ethical Standards is our foundational document in this regard. It must be signed and agreed to prior to a candidate entering our academic requirements and/or prior to Therapon Certification being awarded.
The Certified Therapon Counselor agrees to:
A. Adhere to and agree with the eight spiritual values of highly effective people as they are recorded in the book of II Peter chapter one verses four through ten.
1. Faith
Just for today; I will believe that my God shall supply all of my needs according to
His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Therefore, I can do all things through
Christ Who gives me strength.
2. Integrity
Just for today; I will maintain integrity in every area of my life.
3. Knowledge
Just for today; I will wake up and pay attention because knowledge is the vehicle for change.
4. Self-control
Just for today; I will exercise self-control.
5. Patience
Just for today; I will be patient because God is in control.
6. God-conscious
Just for today; I will be God-conscious.
7. Kindness
Just for today;I will be kind to other people.
8. Love
Just for today;I will desire the highest good for everyone I meet.
B. Discrimination not allowed
The certified Therapon counselor shall not discriminate against any client or other person on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, natural origin, or handicap.
C. Responsibility
The certified Therapon counselor shall maintain objectivity, integrity, and the highest standards in the provision of services to the client.
D. Competence
1. The Therapon counselor shall be required to recognize the limitations of his or her abilities and/or gifts of the Holy Spirit and shall not offer services and/or ministry or utilize techniques which exceed that counselor’s competence.
2. The Therapon counselor shall not engage in the practice of counsleing if impaired by, intoxicated by, or under the influence of chemicals, including alcohol.
3. The Therapon counselor shall support peer support programs.
E. Legal Standards and Christian Conduct
The Therapon counselor shall uphold the law and refrain from unchristian, unholy, irresponsible conduct. In doing so, the certified Therapon counselor shall:
1. not make any claim, directly or implied, that the counselor possesses professional and/or spiritual qualifications or affiliations that the counselor does not possess.
2. not mislead or deceive the public, or any person, in any way.
3. not promote, develop, market, profit from, or associate himself or herself with any commercial or religious product, unless the counselor has determined that such product does not tend to mislead the public, is factually accurate, and does not violate “The Eight Spiritual Values of Highly Effective People”.
4. not commit any crime of moral turpitude, or any act which might tend to bring reproach upon the integrity of the Word of God and the gospel ministry.
F. Public Statements
The Therapon counselor shall:
1. report information fairly and accurately too clients, professionals in the field of treatment and/or recovery, and the general public, and shall not make untrue, unchristian, inappropriate, unprofessional, or inaccurate representations.
2. acknowledge the work of others, and shall document material and techniques used in the performance of the counselor’s ministry.
3. be required to advise all persons the counselor instructs or provides training to, in the gifts, or techniques of faith-based counseling, of the requisite training or qualifications required to effectively perform such gifts or techniques.
G. Public Credit or Acknowledgment
The Therapon counselor shall give credit to, or expressly acknowledge all persons or work which have contributed to or directly influenced any publication of the counselor.
H. Client Welfare
The certified Therapon counselor shall respect the client’s dignity, and shall not engage in any activity injurious to the welfare of any client or person to whom the counselor is providing ministry counseling. The certified Therapon counselor shall:
1. remain loyal and faithful to the Word of God.
2. remain loyal and spiritually and professionally responsible to the client at all times, and shall inform the client of the counselor’s loyalties and responsibilities.
3. not engage in any activity which could be considered a ministry or professional conflict, and shall be required to immediately remove himself or herself from such conflict should one arise.
4. always act in the best interest of the client.
5. never require a client to divulge confidential information obtained from another counselor pr professional without obtaining the express and informed consent of the counselor and/or professional and the client, which informed consent shall contain the purpose for which such information shall be used.
6. terminate any counseling, ministry, and/or professional relationship or counseling service which is not beneficial, or is in any way detrimental to the client.
7. not engage in the practice of counseling in settings or locations or environments which are inappropriate, harmful to the client or others, or would tend to compromise the integrity, either by appearance or interpretation or suggestion of the counselor and the Word of God.
I. Confidentiality
The certified Therapon counselor shall protect the privacy of all clients and, unless required by law, without express written consent, shall not disclose confidential information, however acquired.
The certified Therapon counselor shall remain cognizant of and obey all state and local laws and regulations, as long as said laws and regulations do not contradict nor conflict with the Word of God, relating to confidentiality of Therapon records, and shall:
1. inform the client, and obtain the client’s consent, before recording the client, allowing another person to observe or monitor the client, or using the client’s records for any purpose other than the provision of faith-based treatment and/or recovery counseling.
2. ensure the maintenance of confidentiality with respect to client records.
3. not discuss or divulge information obtained in counseling relationships except in appropriate settings, for ministry purposed which clearly relate tot he case.
4. make every effort to avoid the invasion of privacy of the client.
5. not reveal client identifying information, except as is required by law, without the express, written consent of the client.
J. Client Relationships
The certified Therapon counselor shall inform the client about all relevant and important aspects of the spiritual and professional relationship between the client and the counselor, and shall:
1. in the case of clients who are not their own consentors inform the client’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of circumstances which might influence the ministry relationship.
2. not enter into a counseling relationship with members of the counselor’s family, close friends or associates, or others whose welfare might be jeopardized in any way by such a relationship.
3. not engage in any type or form or implied or suggested or interpreted form of sexual activity with a client.
K. Relationship with other Disciplines
The certified Therapon counselor shall treat professionals in the field and/or related fields with respect, courtesy, and fairness. He/she shall not create or attempt to create a spirit of competition with those involved in the faith-based counseling discipline and/or related disciplines. The certified Therapon counselor shall cooperate with peer review groups or programs, professional and faith-based ethics committees or associations, and shall properly supply all requested information that might be relevant, unless prohibited by law or by the standards of the Word of God.
L. Renumeration
The certified Therapon counselor shall, in advance of faith-based counseling, establish financial arrangements with the client, which shall be in accordance with relevant community standards, including, without limitation, informing the client of the counselor’s fee schedule for all counseling services to be provided to the client, and shall:
1. not charge exorbitant or unreasonable fees for any counseling services.
2. not pay or receive any commission, consideration, or benefit of any nature or description related to the referral of a client.
3. not engage in fee-splitting with other counselors or programs, without the written consent of the client.
4. not use the client’s relationship for professional, spiritual, or financial gain or profit, except for the normal, usual charge for ministry and/or counseling provided.
M. Public/Professional Obligations
The certified Therapon counselor shall support changes in public policy and legislation which advocate faith-based treatment and recovery counseling for people impaired by any negative influence and power or form of bondage and/or emotionally addictive, destructive experiences including, but not limited to, chemical dependency, criminal behavior, divorce, and death.
In doctrine, manner of life, and practice, the certified Therapon counselor shall promote the welfare of all human beings and shall not refuse to extend his or her counseling gifts to people who may not be financially capable of paying for Therapon counseling.
N. Accountability
The certified Therapon counselor is accountable to his or her association, peers, the laws of the land, the client, the Therapon credentialing body, employer, and, unlike other treatment or counseling disciplines,
to the Creator of the Therapon method, God the Father.
The certified Therapon counselor believes in the unexplainable power of God to change people’s lives. The certified Therapon counselor believes that real peace comes from the Prince of Peace ---the Lord Jesus Christ.
The certified Therapon counselor believes in the reality of prayer.
The certified Therapon counselor believes in the healing and delivering power of a thrice-Holy God that is provided in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.