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Therapon Application For Distance-Ed Please click on the link to fill out the application.
Full Curriculum (Distance-Ed) - $290
The CD Series
The course of study includes a workbook, the CD series and the textbook series.
The Meaning of Therapon - Dr. Paul Carlin
The Lie vs. Truth - Dr. Paul Carlin
The Source of Destructive Behavior
- Dr. Paul Carlin
The Course of Destructive Behavior
- Dr. Paul Carlin
Problematic Thinking
- Dr. Paul Carlin
Ethics - Dr. Paul Carlin
The Counseling Cycle - Dr. Paul Carlin
Relapse Dynamics - Dr. Paul Carlin
The Textbook Series
Change Your Beliefs … Change Your Life - Dr. Paul Carlin
The Lies We Believe - Dr. Chris Thurman
Mastering Life Through Belief Therapy
- Dr. Paul Carlin
Telling Yourself The Truth
- Dr. William Backus & Dr. Marie Chapman
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Therapon Application For Distance-Ed Please click on the link to fill out the application.
The CD Series
The course of study includes:
2 workbooks for the Belief Therapy CD's.
1 set of Belief Therapy CDs
The Textbook Series:
1 Mastering Life Through Belief Therapy book, 2 workbooks
1 Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life book, 2 workbooks
1 Telling Yourself the Truth book, 2 workbooks
1 The Lies We Believe book, 2 workbooks
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Therapon only certifies and licenses in our nationally registered counseling model, Belief Therapy. (R) CBT and/or LBT credentials are not state credentials.
Course Prerequisite: Completion of the Certified Belief Therapist core curriculum. The LBT course is advanced Belief Therapy training. The CBT core curriculum is the foundation upon which Therapon’s counseling model is built. The LBT curriculum expands on the basic CBT curriculum.
Method of Study: The LBT curriculum is completed through distance-ed learning.
Tuition: Tuition is $610 for the complete LBT course. A student receives all five textbooks and workbooks at one time. Only one book is in a published format. The remaining four texts are in 8 1/2 x 11 manuscript form bound by three ring binders or coil binding. Therefore, we require the full tuition be paid upon enrollment. You may pay by check, Master Card, or Visa to finance tuition.
Accountability: You may return your completed workbooks for grading upon completion of all five required subjects. You retain your textbooks. They contain a wealth of Biblical counseling information. When you have completed all of the assignments, Therapon then grades your work and issues you a numbered Licensed Belief Therapist (LBT) certificate immediately. Therapon returns your graded workbooks with your license.
Full Curriculum (Distance-Ed) - $610
Christ Centered Counseling
Dr. Solomon, author of the textbook, is considered to be the father of the Exchange Life discipleship model and Scripturotherapy. Included in this assignment are basic, fundamental, powerful applications of profound Biblical truths that include The Simplified Model of Man, Scripturotherapy in Process and Succeeding Interviews.
Character Builder 400
Character flaws are often the roots of many emotional and spiritual problems. Very often troubled Christians are having problems with value issues. Value modification is best accomplished through the application of Biblical truth. In this study you will explore an extensive study of 26 character traits in the light of the Bible. Your textbook for this workbook is the Bible
Biblical Keys to Counseling Issues
A Biblical look into 20 most often addressed, life-controlling problems such as: anger, dysfunctional families, depression, habits, fear, acceptance, unforgiveness, restoration conflict resolution and homosexuality.
Satan and the Saint
Many emotional and spiritual problems Christians experience are rooted in spiritual warfare. This study considers such issues as things Christians can do to themselves that they blame on the Devil, things Christians do to each other, what the devil can do to a Christian and things a Christian can lose.
The 12 Keys To Developing and Maintaining Mature Relationships
All of life is a relationship. Salvation is a relationship. Marriage, parenting, church, work, sports, school and even ministry, depends upon mature Christian relationships. This study will give the student solid foundational Biblical truth for developing and maintaining mature relationships. Taken from Romans 12: 9-21, you will learn 12 Biblical keys that never fail.
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Therapon offers a one-hundred dollar discount if the CBT and LBT programs are purchased together. Please fill out Therapon application CBT/LBT
Full price 900.00
Discount -100.00
Total = 800.00
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Course includes paperback book and a workbook.
CRCC Is The Missing Link In The Reduction of Prison Recidivism!
The only book on the subject in print!
Insight for concerned prison ministry volunteers, professionals and paraprofessionals on how to prevent parole relapse.
CRCC is the component that has been missing in the field of restorative justice ministry and reentry recovery.
Table of Contents
Introduction To Reentry Crisis Counseling
Reentry Crisis Counseling
Crisis Intervention Counseling
The Prison Environmental Scenario
Barriers To Reentry
The Root of the Reentry Problem
Symptoms of Reentry Crises
Causes or Triggers of Reentry Crises
Insight for Reentry Crisis Counseling
The 8 Core Conditions for a Reentry Crisis Counselor
The Spiritual Dynamics of Reentry Crisis Counseling
The Addendum - Including The RCC Process & 9 Beautiful Four-Color Teaching Charts
Purpose of the Pastoral Counselor Licensure Program
Introducing our new Pastoral Licensed Counselor (PLC) distance-ed course! This program is available for
pastors, their spouses, and those on the pastoral staff for a minimum of two years. This course is designed to prepare those who do counseling in a church setting, as there are issues which distinguish pastoral counseling from other forms of Christian counseling.
Click here for Application for Enrollment
Full Curriculum (Distance-Ed)
Issues Training
Issues Training spiral book and workbook
Disciple Maker DM 300
Spiral book
Christ Centered Therapy
Christ Centered Therapy book and workbook
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling book and workbook
Strategic Pastoral Counseling
Strategic Pastoral Counseling book and workbook
One set of books and two sets of workbooks.
Full Curriculum (Distance-Ed)
Issues Training
Issues Training spiral book and two workbooks
Disciple Maker DM 300
Two Spiral book
Christ Centered Therapy
Christ Centered Therapy book and two workbooks
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling book and two workbooks
Strategic Pastoral Counseling
Strategic Pastoral Counseling book and two workbooks
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Full Curriculum (Distance-Ed) - $195
Manual, CDs, Program Disk & Workbook
A training program focusing on how to evaluate and deal with at-risk adolescents. Help teenagers understand themselves and the dynamics that negatively influence them. Eight CDs from Jane Harber, LBT taking each participant through the workbook. Contains a training manual with instruction in how to administer this program to troubled youth and a CD with the full program content.
Quit Digging!
A lifeline of hope for troubled teens
Table of Contents
The most deadly four-letter word
Discovering the real “you”
Core beliefs inventory
Who influenced you?
It’s all in your mind
Identifying thinking habits
Breaking free from bondage
Overcoming your past